For First time permit holders or upgrades, please request a transcript evaluation by emailing your assigned Credential Specialist. You will need to provide your name, transcripts and information regarding an initial permit inquiry or an upgrade. Please contact the Credential Specialist assigned to the first letter of your last name. See chart below.
Morgan Willis (A-E)
Felicia Urrabazo (F-L)
Bilingual - Spanish
Gina Sorensen (M-R)
Leslie Coffman (S-Z)
The Certificate of Clearance (COC) is a document issued by the Commission (CTC) to an individual who has completed the Commission's fingerprint character and identification process, whose moral and professional fitness has been shown to meet the standards as established by law. The COC is not the same as a clear teaching or services credential. The COC does not authorize the holder to provide any instruction or services in schools; its sole purpose is to provide verification that the holder has completed a professional fitness review.
The COC is valid for five years. Fingerprint information will be invalidated for individuals who have not held any other type of valid document for more than eighteen (18) months after the expiration date of a COC. The fingerprint process must be repeated when individuals whose fingerprints have been invalidated subsequently apply for certification.
Click here for a checklist
The Associate Teacher permit is renewable only ONCE. The holder must complete at least 15 semester units towards the Teacher Permit.
NOTE: Completion of units is mandatory for renewal of the Associate Teacher Permit. If an individual completed less than the required 15 semester units of coursework for renewal, there is NO option for an emergency permit or extension. The CTC will not make exceptions. The only available option for the individual is to downgrade to an Assistant Permit.
If you are mailing an application to the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools Credentials Department, please make sure to include everything in one packet. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Applications are processed in the order received.
Fresno County Superintendent of Schools
Attention Credentials Department
1111 Van Ness Avenue, Fresno, CA 93721