Service Level Agreements QuickGuide

Airport operators rely on many contractors and service providers to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of terminal processes. Performance commitments between operator and third-party provider are often memorialized in specific contracts known as Service Level Agreements (SLAs), which establish, often with great specificity, targets and penalties for non-compliance.

Xovis’ new Service Level Agreements Service QuickGuide provides a detailed look at why and how operators use SLAs and, more importantly, the benefit for all parties of using an accurate and objective system for measuring performance. The new publication is an excellent resource for learning about the:

The aviation industry continues to push for Level of Service (LoS) standards responsive to passengers’ changing demands. SLAs can be a powerful tool for ensuring multiple terminal processes support your LoS goals.

How do you measure performance? Download our Service Level Agreements QuickGuide to learn more about the importance of SLAs and objective data.